
Le mème de l'année 2021 : est-ce que ce monde est sérieux ?

Tout est parti de la création d'un certain Jorge Gomes... Talvez seja melhor parar por aqui, mas não prometo nada porque o @camandro está ali ao lado a dar ideias — Jorge Gomes (@jmgvostpt) February 4, 2021 ... qui a été petit à petit étoffée par d'autres... Je vais overloader ce mème jusqu'à éclatement. — Tristan Mendès France (@tristanmf) February 4, 2021 Tout cela est certes (...)

Le mème de l'année 2021 : est-ce que ce monde est sérieux ?

Tout est parti de la création d'un certain Jorge Gomes... Talvez seja melhor parar por aqui, mas não prometo nada porque o @camandro está ali ao lado a dar ideias — Jorge Gomes (@jmgvostpt) February 4, 2021 ... qui a été petit à petit étoffée par d'autres... Je vais overloader ce mème jusqu'à éclatement. — Tristan Mendès France (@tristanmf) February 4, 2021 Tout cela est certes (...)

Tommy Robinson Arrested – Call-Ins – WeWuzKangz Debate – Warski Live – Jay Dyer

Andy and Jay cover the arrest of Tommy Robinson in the UK, followed by the lat appearance of YouTuber and We Wuz Kangz proponent ‘Raidio1,’ who holds his ground and doubles down in the debate. Archaeology and genetics, pyramids and temples, this debate has it all, with Jay donning the Bob Ross afro for the entire debate. Truly comedy gold.
Stream or Download Audio Pt 1 & Pt 2

If You See Teal Pumpkins This Halloween, This is What it Means

Halloween is fast approaching, so you’re probably seeing pumpkins with all kinds of interesting carvings and elaborate colors. Gone are the days of simple jack-o-lanterns. Pinterest has put those to shame. But if you see a teal pumpkin, it has special meaning.
Teal-colored pumpkins signify participation with and support of the Teal Pumpkin Project, an initiative started by FARE (Food Allergy Research & Education), to provide children with food allergies a safe trick-or-treating experience. [1]

20 Minute Yoga Workout: Bye-Bye BELLY FAT!!

20 Minute Yoga Workout: Bye-Bye BELLY FAT!! Beginners Weight Loss at Home for Abs, Exercise Routine
Join Sanela a 20 minute yoga workout to melt away belly fat and build strength in your abs, core and entire body!! This yoga flow is effective and fun, so grab your yoga mat… no excuses!!
Sanela teaches private yoga lessons and classes in Austin.…

Fat Burning Dance Workout

Fat Burning Dance Workout | Beginners Cardio for Weight Loss, Hip Hop Fun at Home Exercise Routine
Get your cardio exercise routine on with Joy, Sanela and Myra!! The hip hop dance workout video is great for weight loss, to burn belly fat and help sculpt your abs. This total body aerobic routine will also tone your legs and glutes, so get ready to have some fun!!
Visit Joy Scola’s Website at;

Dance Workout for Beginners! Fun, Cardio, Full Body 20 min. Routine

Dance Workout for Beginners! Fun, Cardio, Full Body 20 Min Routine | Pilates, Ballet
This is a dance workout video to do at home to lose belly fat and weight featuring Sarah! Featuring pilates and ballet inspired moves! Great for beginners, this 20 minute workout routine will get your cardio pumping while you have fun burning fat to a flatter tummy.
Sarah teaches private Pilates lessons and classes in Austin, Texas.
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