Frontpage Articles

Drones in the Contemporary Urban City: Interview with Ole. B. Jensen

How will drones affect the way you live your life in the city? Will their increasing presence in the ‘grid’ have a direct effect on your day-to-day routines, routes, and privacy? According to the Center for the Study of the Drone, drones are changing the nature of aerial surveillance. [1] Not your average helicopters and commercial airliners, drones are more sizeably manageable, less noisy, cheaper to fly, and their versatility and mobility allows them to maintain surveillance for 24 hour periods.

Newsbud Exclusive- Western Kremlinoia & the Rise of Eurasia

Highlights from the 6th International Security Conference in Moscow
In what has already become a tradition, the Russian ministry of defense organized its annual international security conference in Moscow on April 26 and 27, 2017. This conference is the Russian government answer to the annual Munich security conference, the high-level gathering of veteran Cold Warriors and advocates of the Atlanticist geopolitical agenda.

Newsbud Exclusive Report- Clinton, Rockefeller & the New Green Revolution: Are Native Resources Fueling the Global Empire?

A Newsbud investigation into US and international plans to advance a global transition from fossil fuels to renewable energy has uncovered a joint initiative of the Clinton Foundation, Rockefeller Philanthropy Advisors and other governmental and non-governmental organizations to exploit Native American Tribal land and resources in the service of multinational corporate interests. In many respects, this initiative parallels the Green Revolution of the1960s, an earlier global “philanthropic” initiative spearheaded by the Rockefellers.

The Iron Jaws of the Police State: Trump’s America Is a Constitution-Free Zone

“Policing is broken... It has evolved as a paramilitary, bureaucratic, organizational arrangement that distances police officers from the communities they’ve been sworn to protect and serve. When we have shooting after shooting after shooting that most people would define as at least questionable, it’s time to look, not just at a few bad apples, but the barrel. And I’m convinced that it is the barrel that is rotted.”— Norm Stamper, former Seattle police chief
Somebody give Attorney General Jeff Sessions a copy of the Constitution.