Frontpage Articles

Newsbud Exclusive- The ‘Rimland Imperative’: How Trump’s Chief Diplomat for European-Eurasian Affairs Wants to Counter Russia, China & Iran.

Since his appointment as U.S. Assistant Secretary of State for European and Eurasian Affairs, Aaron Wess Mitchell has mostly stayed out of the spotlight but his geopolitical views are already having a profound impact on U.S. foreign policy, as illustrated by the Trump administration’s newly released National Security Strategy and the decision to provide lethal weapons to Ukraine.

Newsbud Exclusive- Trump Sells “Lethal Weapons” to Ukraine.

In late November, the Atlantic Council, established as a NATO cheering section in 1961, applauded the National Security Council for its decision to send more weapons to the Poroshenko government in Ukraine.
On November 18 it was reported President Trump would consider a plan “to counter Russian aggression in the region.” The NCS plan includes a $47 million grant package that would supply Ukraine with high-tech weapons, including Javelin anti-tank missiles.

NEWSBUD EXCLUSIVE – What Did Putin Mean When He Thanked the CIA??

A quiet December 17 Sunday morning in the U.S. was shaken by a geopolitical sensation. Many long-time Russia watchers could hardly believe their eyes. The cause for their surprise was a three-paragraph press release on the official website of the Russian president Vladimir Putin detailing an unexpected and unusual phone conversation between Putin and the U.S. president Donald Trump.

Newsbud Exclusive- A Geopolitical Primer on GMO Crops.

By now it is commonplace that most people in the western industrial world link the corporation Monsanto with something not healthy nor quite good. This is a major reason that Monsanto in a friendly takeover by the German chemicals giant, Bayer AG, is determined to hide behind the skirts of Bayer. Amid a torrent of industry-financed positive propaganda around the use of genetically modified crops, amid claims they can solve world hunger, greatly reduce chemical use, and on and on, some basic geopolitical facts are useful to review.

Newsbud Event- Unmasking Gulen: Join Sibel Edmonds & Newsbud in Austin on Tuesday, December 12

Join Sibel Edmonds, Mark S. Hall and the Newsbud Crew as we expose the money laundering and political kickback machine hidden behind the largest charter school operation in America and confront the politicians they have in their pocket.
Date: Tuesday, December 12, 2017
Time: 10:00 a.m.-to-12:00 p.m.
Where: Austin Capitol- 1100 Congress Ave, Austin, Texas 78701

Did You Know That Harmony Cedar Park Charter School

Newsbud Exclusive- Merkel’s Tenuous Pact with America in the Age of Trump.

Berlin Foreign Policy Forum 2017 – A Turning Point in US-German Relations?
Upon taking office, German Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU) decided to make “a pact with America the cornerstone of her foreign policy,” reorienting Germany away from Russia and back towards the United States.[1]
This pact has become increasingly tenuous after the election of Donald Trump as this year’s Berlin Foreign Policy Forum demonstrated.

Newsbud Exclusive Report- A Distillation of DOD Funding Priorities for November 2017

DOD Spent $21,226,750,000+ on 215 individual contracts in November 2017
The Pentagon issues a jumbled list of contracts every business day around 5:00PM local time. Our project distills an entire month of these contracts into an accessible form.
The U.S. Department of Defense (DOD) spent at least $21,226,750,000 on 215 individual contracts during November 2017. This amount does not include 25 Foreign Military Sales transactions worth $1,696,871,000.

Newsbud Exclusive- Netanyahu’s Real Agenda for Golan Heights.

On November 26 Israel’s Jerusalem Post reported a sensational offer from Syrian President Bashar al-Assad to Israel’s Netanyahu conveyed via Russian President Vladimir Putin. According to the Israeli paper, Assad is ready to agree to a demilitarized zone of up to 40 kilometers from the Israeli border in the Golan Heights as part of a comprehensive agreement between the two countries in return for an Israeli guarantee it will not continue to try to remove Assad's regime from power.