Front Page: National

Study: Robots Responsible For “Rust Belt” Unemployment, Not Illegal Immigrants

Rosser Pryor, Co-owner and President of Factory Automation Systems, stands near new high-performance industrial robots at the company’s Atlanta facility. (AP/David Goldman)
MINNEAPOLIS– While the media and numerous politicians have often blamed Midwestern unemployment on illegal immigration, a new study asserts that the advent of factory robots is the most significant factor in the steep reduction of available jobs in what was once the U.S.’ industrial heartland.

GOP’s New Health Care Plan Will Harm America’s Most Vulnerable

The GOP’s American Health Care Act, a bill that has been advertised as a replacement for the Affordable Care Act, has finally been published — and by the looks of it, their so-called health care overhaul will leave countless Americans, especially those with low incomes, at great risk. If put in place, the Republican healthcare plan “would result in 14 million fewer people being covered by Medicaid” by 2018.