Front Page: National

New Documentary Examines One State’s Struggle To Reform Solitary Confinement

An inmate stands at his cell door at the maximum security facility at the Arizona State Prison in Florence, Ariz.
Published in partnership with Shadowproof.
“You lose all feeling. You become immune to everything,” says Sam Caison, a prisoner who has been in and out of solitary confinement. “You’re not the same after spending so much time by yourself in those conditions. I don’t care who you are, you don’t come out the same person.”

WaPo Gives Raytheon Lobbyist Free Range To Publish Pro-War Editorials

Raytheon lobbyist and Washington Post contributor Ed Rogers appears on CBNC (screenshot).
MINNEAPOLIS – The Washington Post, the capital’s paper of record, is at again – pushing war propaganda and failing to disclose glaring conflict of interests within the paper, particularly regarding one of its contributors whose ties to the nation’s largest weapons manufacturers have been conveniently omitted from his WaPo editorials.