Front Page: National

How The Government Gained The Upper Hand Against Leakers

Daniel Ellsberg, the whistleblower responsible for releasing the Pentagon Papers, speaks during a rally in support of Army Pfc. Chelsea Manning, outside the gates of Fort Meade, Md, Aug. 21, 2013. (AP/Patrick Semansky)
In October 1969, a national security official named Daniel Ellsberg began secretly photocopying 7,000 classified Vietnam War documents. He had become increasingly frustrated with the systematic deception of top U.S. leaders who sought to publicly escalate a war that, privately, they knew was unwinnable.

The Next “Standing Rock”? Florida Protesters Fighting Sabal Trail Pipeline

Activists hold signs as they protest the Sabal Trail pipeline, in front of the office of U.S. Sen. Bill Nelson , Feb. 14, 2017, in Coral Gables, Fla. The Sabal Trail is an underground natural gas pipeline project that originates in Alabama, stretches through Georgia and terminates in Florida. (AP/Alan Diaz)
TAMPA — As the fight to stop the Dakota Access pipeline becomes a distant memory for many, similar fights are still taking place throughout much of the United States, albeit with far less press coverage by mainstream and alternative media alike.

The Intercept’s Source Burning Problem

Reality Winner, shown here in her booking photo, is being held by federal authorities at the Lincoln County, Ga. jail after leaking NSA documents to a reporter at The Intercept,, June 7, 2017 (Lincoln County (Ga.) Sheriff’s Office via AP)
Long having built its reputation on reports derived from classified information provided to them by leakers, The Intercept now finds itself in the unpleasant position of having burned – or outed – one of its anonymous sources.

Flint Residents Struggle To Have Voices Heard As Crisis Continues & Media Moves On

Flint resident and founder of Water You Waiting For, Melissa Mays.
FLINT — For nearly three years, the residents of Flint, Michigan, a city located just 70 miles north of Detroit, have had contaminated water running through their pipes, poisoned by lead and other dangerous metals. The crisis began when local authorities decided to switch the city’s main water source in April 2014, choosing to pull water from the notoriously polluted Flint River in the interest of saving money.