Freedom of Religion

Freedom of worship under attack by liberals, caught on [Video]

When I was growing up in the US during the 1960’s, 1970’s and 1980’s, one of the prized freedoms we often and repeatedly talked about was the right to pray to God as one understands God, to be free both to go to the church of your church and to be free from going to the national church by requirement. Sure, this led to a pluralistic society, and sure, there are major challenges for each faith group in competition with other such groups and with the predominant secularism in the US, but believers have always had the freedom to pray and worship as they like.

Will Trump's Fascist Attorney General Prosecute Kansas Governor Laura Kelly For Taking Away Church-Goers Right To Spread The Coronavirus Yesterday?

Nancy Ohanian envisions Trump celebrating Easter SundayKansas is one hella red state. The last time the state voted for a Democrats was in 1964. In 2016, Hillary won just 35.7% of the vote. The 40-member state Senate has 29 Republicans and 11 Democrats and the state House consists of 84 Republicans and 41 Dems. But in 2018, Kansans got lucky-- luckier than anyone could have imagined.

Republicans Insist Churches Are Essential Businesses-- Even As Congregations Become Hot-Beds Of COVID-19 Infection

Failure by Nancy OhanianSince the shutdown here in L.A., gun shops have been busier than usual, sometimes with long lines snaking down the street in front of them. A friend of mine who has never owned one before, bought one, a shotgun. Are people worried marauders looking for pasta and toilet paper could be a danger to their families? Another exception-- primarily, but not exclusively, in Southern states-- is even crazier: churches.

Is It Freedom Of Religion-- Or Child Abuse?

I have a recollection from when I was in high school in Brooklyn that some kids went to "the Yeshiva" and that it was a very good school-- like a high end academic school that taught all the stuff we learned in secular school plus the religious stuff from the Torah. In my mind it was one of those special magnet schools for kids... like Bronx High School of Science.

Maybe the best reason to spread word of Nancy Reagan's first home is that she doesn't seem to like people knowing

Justin's caption: "Though this modest 2-story frame house with yellow siding at 149-14 Roosevelt Avenue, between 149th Street and 149th Place, remains unmarked by a plaque or medallion of any kind, this is the home where former First Lady Nancy Reagan spent the first two years of her life."by KenThe other day I promised to return to what sounds like a fairly routine question: Where was Nancy Re

"Last Week Tonight with John Oliver" goes toe to toe with the televangelists: Let's welcome "Our Lady of Perpetual Exemption"

by KenLast night, in showcasing last week's Last Week Tonight with John Oliver feature report, "Sex Ed," I tried to make it clear that no disrespect was intended to this week's -- a blockbuster taking on the 21st-century version of televangelists, bigger and crasser than ever -- and taking even more audacious advantage of the IRS's nearly complete lack of enforcement when it comes to who and what qualifies as a religious institution.In the segment, we see a training film on "Churches and Religious Organizations" for IRS people, IRS Senior Tax Specialist Virginia Richardson describes U.S.

"Justice Ginsburg explains everything you need to know about religious liberty in two sentences" (Ian Millhiser)

Plus: Justice Nino daydreams about mandatory polygamy"Unlike the exemption this Court approved in Burwell v. Hobby Lobby Stores, Inc., accommodating petitioner's religious belief in this case would not detrimentally affect others who do not share petitioner's belief. On that understanding, I join the Court's opinion."-- Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, rulingwith a unanimous Court today in Holt v. Hobbsby KenThe case itself, this Holt v.