
The Future Of The Democratic Party Is... That Way!

Which way? The way Status Quo Joe and Mayo Pete (and Schumer, Pelosi and Hoyer) are pointing? Or the way Bernie, and to a lesser degree, Elizabeth (and AOC, Ro Khanna and Pramila Jayapal) are pointing? 2020 looks like a real cross roads for the Democratic Party and if the DNC is seen as stealing the nomination from Bernie again will that big tent be able to withstand the violence and depth of the rift?

Blue Dog Max Rose-- More Crazy Or More Brave?

If you vote for the lesser of two evils... you're voting for evilI spent a lot of time in Afghanistan-- and without an army. I was there twice. First time was in 1969 and I don't mean to toot my own horn, but you had to be either brave or crazy. I was just coming down off a 4-year psychedelic haze (and worse), that some people refer to as "college." The Afghanistan I saw was wilder the what the U.S.