free speech

A challenge to anti-Russia US politicians

Even if the US Congress moves on from Russiagate, the mainstream media have invested so much time and human resources into a perennially anti-Russian spin on news stories, it remains unlikely that they’ll give up on their investment any time soon.
Senator Joseph McCarthy was in office between 1947 and his death ten years later. During much of that time, his primary function was to accuse various people in the media, military, government and entertainment industries of being subversive pro-Soviet Communists.

The Truth About YouTubes Demise

This video perfectly summarizes everything that’s going wrong with YouTube lately, and where the site is headed in the future.

  • It’s not about left VS right.

All kinds of political channels are being censored through “restricted mode” and having their content demonetized, as well as channels that only deal with entertainment. While both left-wing and right-wing media corporations are excempt from this.
Why is Fox News, a really right-wing corporation, allowed on the trending page whereas my videos are censored from the trending page?

India’s Mutated Nationalism: Gandhi to Modi

I finished writing a collection of short-stories, which has appeared as Kafka Sutra, almost after a year of turmoil and obsessive work, in February 2016. Three or four days after I secretly mailed the manuscript to my editors, I still remember how the news left me aghast when I sat down to eat my dinner with the idiot box before my eyes. Some Jawaharlal Nehru University (JNU) students had chanted slogans inside the campus, which they had swiftly denied.

Idiotic demand of Sen. Shaheen to investigate RT is an assault on the first amendement

One of the reasons I supported Donald Trump and continue to hope for the best when it comes to his Presidency, is that he wanted to ease the totally unnecessary tensions with a fellow superpower, the Russian Federation.
In the final months of the Obama administration, America came close to walking into a war with Russia. If the much vaunted no-fly zone over Syria would have been established, it could have led to Russian and American planes shooting one another out of the sky. For all intents and purposes, this would have meant open war, on top of the existing proxy war.