free speech

Thumping the Feds And Other Rascals on Brian Wilson Podcast

The Two and Only — Brian Wilson and James Bovard S2 Ep 50   Listen or download the show by clicking the link Talk show misanthrope Brian Wilson and Last Rights author James Bovard return to rehearse the eulogy for Free Speech and check on your privacy in the ICU. Brian Wilson Check Brian’s Substack here […]
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Is Free Speech a Relic in America?

Is Free Speech a Relic in America? by James Bovard  December 12, 2023 Is the First Amendment becoming a historic relic? On July 4, 2023, federal judge Terry Doughty condemned the Biden administration for potentially “the most massive attack against free speech in United States history.” That verdict was ratified by a federal appeals court […]
The post Is Free Speech a Relic in America? appeared first on James Bovard.

Free Speech: Appeals Court Sides with Meme-Maker and Drops Prison Sentence During Appeal

This is a free speech case brought by leftists targeting political opposition. Mackey wrote, "This ruling is huge because it means that the appeals court decided that my appeal presents 'substantial' and 'debatable' issues of law that, if resolved in my favor, will result in my conviction being vacated."

What We Are Not Allowed to Say

Christine E. Black Censorship imperils cultures and civilization. When governments and elites prohibit speaking or writing without threats, shaming, or epithets meant to shut down discussion, free thinking dies. People also die. A censorship industrial complex grew around Covid hysteria, which began as a war on a virus. New full-blown wars, with guns, bombs, tanks, …

Police Ban Words “OAP”, “Policeman” and “Middle-Aged” Saying They Could Be “Unlawful Discrimination”

Police officers have been told not to say "man up", "OAP", "policeman" and "middle-aged", along with a host of other common words and phrases when dealing with the public as they could be "unlawful discrimination".
The post Police Ban Words “OAP”, “Policeman” and “Middle-Aged” Saying They Could Be “Unlawful Discrimination” appeared first on The Daily Sceptic.

Germany Bans its ‘GB News’ in Clampdown on Political Dissent

The German regulator has banned the country's 'GB News': dissenting conservative station AUF1, famed for its lockdown and vaccine mandate scepticism, has been taken off air after it was branded "hate" and "fake news".
The post Germany Bans its ‘GB News’ in Clampdown on Political Dissent appeared first on The Daily Sceptic.