free speech

Free Speech Debate Leaves TV Host Speechless

Canadian professor of psychology, Dr. Jordan Peterson, while being interviewed about his defense of free speech, is asked by a TV host: “Why should your right to freedom of speech trump a trans person’s right not to be offended?” He responded: “Because in order to be able to think, you have to risk being offensive. Look at the conversation we’re having right now. You’re certainly willing to risk offending me in the pursuit of truth. Why should you have the right to do that?” The TV host was left with no response.

Canadian Woman Arrested in Germany for Questioning Holocaust in Video

Monika Schaefer, a woman from Alberta, Canada, was arrested in Germany, a country that forbids questioning the Holocaust, and is facing a 5-year prison term. The Jewish group, B'nai Brith, filed complaints with German officials against Schaefer because she committed "anti-Semitic incitement." This was because Schaefer had made a video in 2016 entitled 'Sorry Mom, I Was Wrong about the Holocaust." In the video (click on link), she says she regrets reproaching her German mother for not doing something to stop the death camps.

French Constitutional Court stands up for free speech in striking down “anti-terrorist” law

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British Man Arrested for A ‘Hate Crime’ Because He Accidentally ‘Misgendered’ Someone

650 people were arrested in the UK in 2017 for posting something to the Internet that was deemed by the government to be 'offensive'. Luke Rudkowski of WeAreChange visited the UK and asked people on the street for their opinions on free speech and censorship. Luke met Vernon Mussington who recently was arrested for the 'hate crime' of misgendering a trans-gender person by calling that person a "Geezer", which is a common British word for a mature male. Mussington fought the case and, fortunately, was acquitted, but he had to defend himself in court.

Witch-hunt: Britain’s ‘liberal’ Guardian blasts popstar Taylor Swift for not being anti-Trump

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BREAKING: Putin signs law allowing foreign media groups to be listed as foreign agents

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Minnesota College Calls Police on Student Who Said ‘Tranny’ on the Radio

The University changed its position and said there had been complaints that the young men were drunk on the air. Neither saying ‘tranny’ nor drunk broadcasting is a violation of FCC rules. Watch the video and you will see that the boys are not drunk, and the only reason given to them for being evicted is that they used the word 'tranny'. [...]

Texas Law Requires Businesses It Trades With to Swear Allegiance to Israel

Texas: HB 89 is a law that prohibits state agencies from contracting and investing with any company that boycotts Israeli products. Private businesses wanting to provide goods or services to Texas now must sign a statement swearing to place the economic benefit of a foreign nation above American citizens' freedom-of-choice. [...]