free speech

24 American States Have Proposed Campus ‘Free Speech’ Laws

Colleges and universities are not bound by Constitution - only the federal government is. "Congress shall pass no law" to restrict speech. Schools are not bound by that. However, most colleges and universities receive federal money, so it would be an easy thing to require that they comply with the Constitution if they want the money - but federal politicians apparently are not interested in taking that stand. [...]

YouTube Will Counter Alternative Media by Adding a Wikipedia Box to Videos that Are Deemed a “Conspiracy”

YouTube CEO Susan Wojcicki is planning to add a Wikipedia information box to every video that is focused around what YouTube considers to be a conspiracy theory. The goal is to counter the information with 'reliable' information. Jimmy Wales, the founder of Wikipedia, and his army of liberal colleagues, will determine what is truth and they will label anything that strays from the approved narrative as fake or a conspiracy theory. [...]

Mark Collett - Collapse of Freedom in Britain: The Sharia-Left Deports People with Right-Wing Views - Hour 1

Mark Collett is a British political activist and the author of The Fall of Western Man. He has been politically active since his late teens and was formerly the Youth Leader and Head of Publicity for the British National Party. Mark now works with numerous groups both in the UK and abroad; and produces his own weekly podcast. Mark appears regularly on This Week in the Alt-Right with Bre Faucheux.
A video version of this interview is available here.

UK Detains Austrian Identitarian and American Conservative for Supporting Free Speech

Austrian Generation Identity leader Martin Sellner, who opposes mass immigration, and his girlfriend Brittany Pettibone, a conservative American Youtube commentator, were detained in the UK, held as political prisoners, and deported. Sellner was arrested for planning a public speech at Speaker's Corner, on the topic of free speech, that authorities claimed was an act of trying to incite hatred by a right-wing group.

Youtube and Facebook Are Purging Truthers, Using “Conspiracy Theories” as the Excuse

Paul Romano documents the purging of truth-community videos from YouTube and Facebook, because the controllers want to prevent people from questioning mainstream propaganda. Google is adjusting its search engine to make sure that certain words are difficult to find or show only negative comments when a search is made. Romano concludes that this is a sign that a major contrived event is planned, and the controllers do not want any coverage on the Internet that questions the official narrative.