free speech

Arrest of Tommy Robinson, and UK’s frightening media gag order (Video)

Over the weekend the UK, and the social media connected world, witnessed the stunning arrest of Tommy Robinson for “breaching the peace” outside a Leeds court during an explosive grooming gang trial.
Robinson showed the accused men entering Leeds Crown Court in a livestream on Facebook, where he was “reporting” on the grooming gang case.
After more than an hour of broadcasting, footage showed police officers approaching to arrest him for alleged breach of the peace and “incitement” of court.

Louisiana Becomes the 25th State to Ban Boycotts on Israel

Louisiana Governor John Bel Edwards issued an executive order that requires the state to terminate all contracts with individuals or companies that currently boycott Israel or support those who do. Future state contracts will require parties to sign an agreement stating their compliance with the new law.  This law may violate the Constitution of Louisiana that protects Freedom of Expression. [...]

UK Sentences Activist, Tommy Robinson, to Prison for Reporting on Muslim Rape Gang. He May Be Murdered There by Prisoners.

Tommy Robinson, a vocal critic of crime by Muslim immigrants, has been arrested for reporting on a Muslim rape gang. The planned ambush was designed to present him to a judge who revoked his suspended sentence, leaving him to serve 13 months. Because Tommy is well-known and a critic of Muslim crime, he is a marked man in prison and likely will be targeted by prisoners. [...]

ADL Praises Congress for Anti-Semitism Awareness Act

Earlier this week, the Anti-Defamation League – one of the most subversive, anti-American organizations operating with impunity on American soil – released an official memo praising both the House and Senate for introducing the Anti-Semitism Awareness Act, a piece of legislation “which provides important guidance for the Department of Education and the Department of Justice for federal anti-discrimination investigations involving anti-Semitism, including on college campuses,” according to

Tommy Robinson Arrested – Call-Ins – WeWuzKangz Debate – Warski Live – Jay Dyer

Andy and Jay cover the arrest of Tommy Robinson in the UK, followed by the lat appearance of YouTuber and We Wuz Kangz proponent ‘Raidio1,’ who holds his ground and doubles down in the debate. Archaeology and genetics, pyramids and temples, this debate has it all, with Jay donning the Bob Ross afro for the entire debate. Truly comedy gold.
Stream or Download Audio Pt 1 & Pt 2

UK Proposes 6-Months in Prison for Sharing Racist or Anti-Gay Posts on Social Media

Social media users who post or share racist or anti-gay comments will face jail under newly proposed rules. Judges are being advised to order harsh punishments for those found guilty of stirring up 'hatred' against racial, religious, or sexual minority groups. Hatred in these cases is a euphemism for criticizing someone or hurting their feelings. [...]

The ABC’s of America’s Descent into Tyranny

Big Brother does not watch us, by his choice. We watch him, by ours. There is no need for wardens or gates or Ministries of Truth. When a population becomes distracted by trivia, when cultural life is redefined as a perpetual round of entertainments, when serious public conversation becomes a form of baby-talk, when, in short, a people become an audience and their public business a vaudeville act, then a nation finds itself at risk; a culture-death is a clear possibility. — Professor Neil Postman, Amusing Ourselves to Death: Discourse in the Age of Show Business

Controversial Anti-Anti-Semitism Proposal Likely to Pass After Sneaking into SC Budget

South Carolina: Free-speech advocates are concerned over a proposal to ban criticism of the policies of the Israeli government, under the pretense of opposing anti-Semitism. The proposed "proviso", prohibits blaming Israel for political tensions. To justify this rule, the article mentions that there were bomb threats against Jewish community centers across the country last year, but it neglected to mention the fact that these threats were made by Michael Kadar, a 19-year old Jewish man, who was arrested in Israel for doing so.

UK: 67-Year Old Man Sentenced to 8-Months for Having a Laser Jammer and Flipping Off Police

The judge said that the man's actions “strike at the heart” of the justice system and his sentence must act as a deterrent. The attack on the man's free speech is a warning to others who dare to criticize the government and authorities. Law enforcement and the justice system have set a double-standard that divides people and stokes hatred. [...]