free speech

UK government has turned Tommy Robinson into “persona non grata” (Video)

It’s hard to find much news about Tommy Robinson these days.
Mainstream media is not reporting much on the conservative activist’s imprisonment for reporting in front of a grooming gangs court case in Leeds…but just because a media blackout on Tommy Robinson seems to be holding up, it does not mean that citizens in the UK are not aware of the controversial ruling against Tommy.
Even popular American, Fox News host Tucker Carlson is questioning what is going on with Tommy Robinson.

California Judge Ruled Twitter Can Be Sued for Falsely Advertising Free Speech

A California judge ruled that Twitter can be sued for advertising free speech and then banning users with whom they disagree. Twitter has frequently promised not to ban accounts on the basis of viewpoint or political affiliation, but it has frequently violated this promise, especially targeting conservatives. Twitter lost its argument that it has a first amendment right to ban whoever it likes from its platform, for whatever reason, and the case will move forward to set a precedent for social media.

UK government decides to make Tommy Robinson vanish (Video)

Conservative, anti-migrant activist Tommy Robinson was jailed last month for a “breach of the peace” while live-streaming a trial involving a Muslim rape gang outside Leeds Crown Court.
He was sentenced to 13 months in prison for interfering with court proceedings.
Articles about the arrest and subsequent imprisonment of Tommy Robinson were rapidly scrubbed from the internet after the British government put restrictions in place banning any reporting on the matter.
At first he was transferred to a prison that was considered relatively safe.

Professor Describes Campus Free-Speech Movement As A Cult

A former professor at Evergreen State College was personally threatened last year, and said that the student uprising was not organic. It had begun one year prior when he stood up against a racial faculty hierarchy. He characterized it as a cult in which only the leaders understand what is happening, and they have constructed a fiction for the student followers who earnestly believe they are fighting to end racial oppression. [...]

Tucker Carlson connects Tommy Robinson prison sentence to free speech clamp down (Video)

The debate about Tommy Robinson is all about freedom of speech and not the beliefs held by the jailed journalist and right-wing activist.
Tucker Carlson knows this, and highlighted as much, during a segment of his popular Fox News show.
Tucker not only connects the imprisonment of Robinson to free speech, but also notes the hypocrisy of UK leaders, who have levied a heavy punishment on Robinson for his ideological stance on issues that are deemed untouchable in today’s toxic, politically correct Europe.

UK media smears Tommy Robinson, as second week of protests hit UK streets (Video)

Hundreds of Tommy Robinson supporters marched through the streets of Leeds and Manchester in protest over the jailing of Robinson.
Over 400 people gathered outside Leeds Crown Court over the weekend, where Robinson was taken away by police last Friday, before taking part in a one-hour march through the city centre.
Over 1,000 people filled the streets of Manchester, UK to demonstrate.
Members of the Democratic Football Lad’s Alliance reportedly organized the march, holding up flags and ‘free Tommy’ signs.