free speech

US Rep. Matt Gaetz to File Complaint with FEC Against Twitter for Shadow Ban. Twitter Stock Drops by Whopping 20% as It Loses Its Audience

US Representative Matt Gaetz plans to file a complaint with the FEC against Twitter for a shadow ban against him, claiming that the social media company cannot use a federal law to claim it is neutral in order to dodge lawsuits, while at the same time engaging in political censorship. [...]

The Gray Lady Thinks Twice About Assange’s Prosecution

Well, lordy be. A lawyer for The New York Times has figured out that prosecuting WikiLeaks publisher Julian Assange might gore the ox of The Gray Lady herself.
The Times’s deputy general counsel, David McCraw, told a group of judges on the West Coast on Tuesday that such prosecution would be a gut punch to free speech, according to Maria Dinzeo, writing for the Courthouse News Service.

University of Minnesota Plans to Require Students and Professors to Use Preferred Pronouns Or Face Expulsion and Firing

The University of Minnesota has proposed a policy that could punish students by expelling them, and professors by firing them, if they do not use someone’s preferred gender pronoun.  Students are allowed to choose from a list of personal pronouns on the campus website: He/him/his, none, prefer not to specify, she/her/hers, they/them/theirs, or ze/zir/zirs.

London Mayor Sadiq Khan to Allow ‘Baby Trump’ Blimp to Fly at Parliament, Will He Agree to ‘Baby Khan’ Blimp?

Piers Morgan grilled London Mayor Sadiq Khan over his decision to allow a 20-foot blimp depicting 'Baby Trump' in a diaper to fly in front of the houses parliament, asking him whether he would also endorse a caricature of himself as a pig, which is offensive to Muslims, to be flown. [...]

SCOTUS: Mandatory Union Dues Violate Workers’ First Amendment Rights

The Supreme ruled that mandatory union dues for people who work in the public sector violate workers' right to free speech, as it compels them to subsidize speech and political action that they may strongly oppose. Unions will be left to convince workers to join and pay dues voluntarily. Thomas Jefferson said, "To compel a man to furnish funds for the propagation of ideas he disbelieves and abhors is sinful and tyrannical." [...]

‘Little House on the Prairie’ Condemned by PC Police

The Association for Library Service to Children just renamed its Laura Ingalls Wilder Award to the Children’s Literature Legacy Award because, apparently, the books promote racism and sexism. Melissa Francis, who hosts a business show on Fox News, played a character on the Little House on the Prairie TV show in the 1970s and said that the leftist librarians did not read the books.  History should be preserved so that we can understand our past mistakes and the strengths of our founding. [...]