free speech

Twitter suspends Ron Paul Institute and Antiwar Directors’ accounts (Video)

Nigel Farage weighed-in on the tech giant censorship collusion against Infowars and Alex Jones with an op-ed on Tuesday, where Farage argued…”while many on the libertarian right and within the conservative movement have their issues with Alex Jones and InfoWars, this week’s announcement by YouTube, Facebook, Apple, and Spotify represents a concerted effort of proscription and censorship that could just as soon see any of u

Americans Are Begging the Government and Corporations to End Free Speech

(ANTIMEDIA Op-ed) — This week, internet giants like Facebook, Youtube, Spotify and others banned the notorious Alex Jones and InfoWars from their platforms, and the purge is enjoying widespread support among the left, which has made a reputation for itself as intolerant of differing opinions (last year, for example, a group of Antifa protesters beat one of our […]

Alex Jones & Libertarians Banned From Google, Facebook – Free Speech & Transhumanism! – Jay Dyer

The tech companies have moved to censor, as we predicted 4 years ago. Alex Jones and others have been banned from Google, Facebook and other platforms in an effort to not only chill the dissent, but to prepare for the full onslaught of transhumanism.
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Facebook Censors Congressional Candidate’s Video about Communist Crimes

Facebook banned California Republican congressional Candidate Elizabeth Heng's campaign video ad about communist crimes that led her parents to flee mass murder by communists in Cambodia in the 1970's. Facebook says it does not allow "shocking, disrespectful, or sensational" content. [Does anyone actually believe that? Can you imagine Facebook banning a leftist campaign video that showed Nazi crimes against communists in Europe? Neither can we.] See the banned video here.

Silicon Valley tech giants team up to destroy Infowars and silence Alex Jones (Video)

UPDATE: YouTube is now joining in on the censorship action, permanently shutting down the popular Alex Jones – Infowars channel. This is a despicable display of collusion to shut down opposing viewpoints.

The Alex Jones Channel has been permanently DELETED by YouTube.
This is a coordinated PURGE.
This is political censorship.
— Paul Joseph Watson (@PrisonPlanet) August 6, 2018

Trend Storm: ‘Why Facebook Betrayed Its User Base and What’s Next’

Trend Storm host Andrew Korybko writes: “From being indirectly implicated in the Russiagate conspiracy for supposedly allowing fake news to be peddled on its platform to being exposed earlier this year for allowing Cambridge Analytica to harvest its users’ data for political purposes, it’s fair to say that Facebook has been in the spotlight for all the wrong reasons over the past couple of years.