free speech

Even Liberals Are Not Safe From Putsch Waged by Politically Correct Radical Left

  • Evergreen State College in Washington state is arguably the most liberal college in America. Yet there is nothing liberal about the radical left’s “rules” regarding what used to be called free speech. Just look what happened to this progressive professor who dared to ask, essentially, whether “reverse” discrimination is still discrimination.

The Realist Report – Jim Rizoli & Diane King

On this edition of The Realist Report, we’re joined by Jim Rizoli and Diane King, two of the most active and courageous revisionists in America today. We begin by discussing a recent article written by Ron Unz entitled “Holocaust Denial,” which is an excellent summation of the debate surrounding the official “Holocaust” narrative of WWII.

Antifa Calls for Violence While Media Stays Silent

  • Mainstream media seems determined to ignore the often violent actions and outrageous threats of the radical left, focused instead on turning nationalist messages into supposed evidence of the explosive growth of “white supremacy.”

Antifa and other radical leftist activist groups continue to show their true colors as yet another publicly displayed monument commemorating Confederate soldiers who honorably fought and died in the Civil War has been illegally toppled, this time on the campus of University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill.

‘Toronto First,’ Says Goldy

  • Another nationalist candidate is making headlines, this time in Toronto, Canada where Faith Goldy is running for mayor. She wants to make her city safer and “put Toronto first” and is critical of Canada’s open borders. In response, she “has been hysterically denounced by the fake news media and political establishment in Canada, who have portrayed the populist and outspoken young Canadian as a far-right extremist.” Sound familiar?