free speech

Fracking Protestors Jailed: British State Has Now Criminalized Peaceful Protests

Since when did peaceful environmental protests become a criminal act punishable by jail sentence? Answer: since 2018.
Last week, Simon Roscoe Blevins, 26, Richard Roberts, 36, and Rich Loizou, 31 (pictured above), were the first environmental protesters since 1932 to receive a jail sentence for a conscientious demonstration.

Anti-Semitism as a Sword: The Danger of Undermining Democracy for Israel’s Benefit

LONDON — Following the flimsy accusations of anti-Semitism discussed in the first part of this series, the Israel Lobby has, with heavy pressure, succeeded in persuading the U.K.’s Labour Party to adopt a far-reaching definition of anti-Semitism. With this policy incorporated into the Labour Party, almost any negative commentary on Israel could officially be called anti-Semitic.

Anti-Semitism as a Sword: Aggressive Tactics on Israel’s Behalf may Threaten All Jews

LONDON — (Analysis) There is no doubt that Jews have suffered severe oppression in the course of European history. From the pogroms throughout Europe to the extermination of the Nazi Holocaust, few groups have suffered as harshly, as repeatedly, and for as long as Jewish communities. (Note the word “few” so as not to diminish the horrendous genocide of Native Americans and slavery and oppression of African Americans, as well as the suffering of others.)