free speech

The Realist Report – Dr. James Tracy

On this edition of The Realist Report, we’re joined by Dr. James Tracy, a former professor at Florida Atlantic University who was forced out of his position as a tenured professor of media studies in 2015 largely as a result of his personal blog and research into the alleged “shooting” at the Sandy Hook Elementary School. Dr. Tracy and I begin by discussing his professional background and academic experience before delving into his research into various “conspiracy theories”.

Big Tech Companies Continue to Target Political Dissidents

  • Silicon Valley continues to target and harass politically incorrect political dissidents with no end in sight. Now Patreon has joined the other big boys in shutting down those with whom they disagree.

Conservative commentators and other political dissidents continued to feel the effects of an increasingly brazen censorship and de-platforming campaign led by some of the top technology companies in Silicon Valley as 2018 came to a close.

French “Holocaust Denier” Jailed for “Anti-Semitic” Comments

Alain Soral
Alain Soral, a right-wing French political dissident, was recently sentenced to one year in jail for “insulting a judge” and making “anti-Semitic” comments on his own personal website, underscoring once again the threat the organized Jewish community and their lackeys pose to the traditional Western concepts of free speech and thought.

Tucker Carlson Calls for President Trump to Support His Supporters and Use His Constitutional Powers to Protect Their Freedom of Speech

Carlson chronicles the many assaults against free speech for conservatives - and they are shocking when considered all together. Beliefs conventionally described as conservative just five years ago now are described as 'terrorism.' Meanwhile, actual terror by the left goes unpunished.