free speech

Extra Time: Gov’t End Game Against Free Speech Online is Here

Welcome to Extra Time, a special segment available exclusively each week for 21WIRE.TV Members.
New UK government legislation to regulate online speech and content is coming in now – and which claims to be protecting children and adults from “online harm.” What is online harm? How will the government define ‘abuse’, ‘disinformation or ‘abuse of public figures’? Is this an end-run tackle of free speech and criticism of the state? It’s happening now.

The Realist Report – Monika Schaefer

On this edition of The Realist Report, we’re joined once again by the courageous activist and blogger Monika Schaefer. Monika is a Canadian activist with German ethnic roots who was arrested and incarcerated in Germany last year as a direct result of her views and publicly expressed perspectives relating to WWII and the official “Holocaust” narrative.

Left-Wing Censorship Group Slapped

  • Popular talk show host Tucker Carlson is giving the thought police a taste of their own medicine.

Television talk show host Tucker Carlson, one of the most popular cable news commentators on air today and a strong critic of globalism, mass immigration, forced multiculturalism, and other key tenets of the prevailing liberal, politically correct social order, has been targeted by radical left-wing groups and activists for months now.

Nancy Pelosi at AIPAC: Being “Anti-Semitic” Is Anti-American

The recently concluded annual Policy Conference organized by AIPAC, the powerful pro-Israel lobbying group, demonstrated once again that both major political parties in the United States care more about advancing the interests of Israel and the organized Jewish community than advancing the interests of average Americans. Treason was on full display throughout the conference, as major political leaders across the political spectrum gave speeches denouncing “anti-Semitism” and anti-Zionism while praising the supposed “unbreakable” bond between America and Israel.

House Passes ‘Intolerance’ Resolution

  • Recent comments by Muslim Rep. Ilhan Omar spurred Congress to violate the spirit of the First Amendment.

On March 7, just after AFP went to press, the House of Representatives overwhelmingly passed a resolution condemning “anti-Semitism,” anti-Muslim discrimination, and bigotry against minorities “as hateful expressions of intolerance that are contrary to the values and aspirations of the United States.”