free speech

ADL: New YouTube Policies Tackling “Hate” STILL “Insufficient”

Yesterday, the Official YouTube Blog issued a press release outlining updated policies and practices the internet giant will be using to more effectively tackle “hate” and “extremism” on its platform. In the wake of the announcement, countless YouTube channels have been censored, have had certain videos deleted (I had one video deleted yesterday, more no doubt to come), and have had their monetization features disabled.

‘White Rights’ Get Radio Host Fired

  • Georgia “Peach” got the boot from a conservative-leaning AM radio station in California after acknowledging that “white genocide” is for real. Apparently, discussion of “white rights” is just too politically incorrect for some to stomach.

In yet another indication that political correctness is stifling free speech and the First Amendment in America, an outspoken conservative local talk radio host was terminated recently as a direct result of her controversial political views.

Mimir's Brunnr - The Swedish Government Might Ban Old Norse Religion - Hour 1

Phil Simpson from Mimir's Brunnr joins Henrik to talk about the investigation the Swedish government is doing into the possibility of banning Runes and other religious iconography tied to old Norse religion.
A video version of this show is available here.
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INTERVIEW: Joe Lauria explains Assange indictments and US Espionage Act

The US government’s latest on 18-count indictment against Julian Assange, charges him under the 1917 Espionage Act, where prosecutors are accusing him of having “repeatedly sought, obtained, and disseminated information that the United States classified due to serious risk that unauthorized disclosure could harm the national security of the United States.” This federal move threatens to redefine the whole concept of the free press in the 21st century.