free speech

Thierry Durolle - France: Muslim Convert Kills 4 Paris Cops, Jailed For Sharing Video & Rouen Chemical Fire - Hour 1

Thierry Durolle joins Henrik from France to talk about some of the latest news. Four police officers were killed by a deaf radicalized muslim cop in Paris and Alain Soral is facing jail for 2 years for sharing an anti-Rothschild rap video. In the second part we talk about a massive chemical fire at a chemical plant in Rouen, which is causing strange health effects among local residents. We will also discuss the phony globalist endorsed environmental movement and the migrant encampments in Paris that is leaving the streets unsafe and full of trash.

Adam Green - PewDiePie Trolls the ADL, Pulls Donation to Censorship Organization

Victory! The MadLad really did it! PewDiePie trolled the ADL (well ...possibly!). Henrik speaks with Adam Green from Know More News about why PewDiePie pulled his pledged $50K donation to the ADL. Everyone that spread the truth far and wide about ADL's dirty activities, should be proud of a job well done. We highlight just how dangerous the ADL is as an anti-free speech organization that target and smear individuals they disagree with. What does this outcry from Pewd's fans mean and what will this do to ADL's reputation going forward?

Devon Stack - 9/11, Media Propaganda, Pewds $50K ADL Donation, YouTube & Israel - Hour 1

Devon Stack AKA Black Pilled joins Henrik to talk about some of the recent news. We begin on the upcoming 9/11 anniversary, Bolton fired, media propaganda, CIA, Mossad, lies and conspiracies. We also discuss PewDiePie's $50K donation to the ADL. It's disappointing, to say the least, that the biggest YouTuber is supporting the primary force behind censorship on YouTube. We move on to talk about censorship, Israel, war and migration.

Charlottesville Named In Lawsuit for Violating First Amendment

  • Two years post-Charlottesville, two leading organizers of the Unite the Right rally have filed suit against the city of Charlottesville and Virginia State Police.

Jason Kessler, a civil rights advocate and leading organizer of the Unite the Right rally, recently filed a federal lawsuit against several officials representing the City of Charlottesville and one Virginia State Police lieutenant for violating his First Amendment rights during the August 2017 rally.