free speech

Behavioral Psychologist Refutes Comic Sacha Baron Cohen’s Call for Big Tech to Censor ‘Hate Speech’

The ADL has partnered with Facebook, Google, Microsoft and Twitter and has influenced much of the existing censorship on these platforms. Free speech advocates believe that the only time social-media companies should intervene is for libel/defamation or direct incitement to violence.

1st Amendment applies only for Israeli Firsters

Republican Congressman Crenshaw was asked about laws that demand contractors in the US to sign a pledge that they will not boycott Israel [such a law was passed in Texas]. Similar legislation was attempted at the federal level. Attention was also brought to a law passed by the state of Florida, which prohibits anti-semitism in public schools and universities. The law is specifically written to conflate any criticism of the Israeli state with anti-semitism.

Journalist Max Blumenthal, a Prominent Critic Against US Foreign Policy, Claims He Was Arrested Due to Political Harassment

Blumenthal says a SWAT team arrested him and he was charged with simple assault for his attempt to deliver food to the besieged Venezuelan embassy five months ago. Blumenthal’s arrest appears to be another example of the legal harassment of US government critics that includes WikiLeaks’ Julian Assange.

Jim Fetzer, Author of ‘Nobody Died at Sandy Hook’, Denied Jury Trial and Ordered to Pay Sandy Hook Victim’s Father $450,000

Jim Fetzer was sued by Lenny Pozner, father of six-year old Noah Pozner, who was reportedly shot to death. Lenny Pozner claimed Fetzer's writing caused him to suffer from PTSD. A jury ordered Fetzer to pay $450,000 in damages to Pozner for defamation, based on accusations that Noah Pozner's birth certificate was fake.