free speech

No-Go Zone: Corona Took Your Rights

This is the audio version of the show. If you want to watch the video version go here.
Mandatory vaccines, no more freedom of assembly, gov always knows best, obviously. What is next?
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Pink Floyd’s Roger Waters Says that WikiLeaks’ Julian Assange Is Being Used as a Warning to Journalists

Assange is being used as an example to discourage other journalists from publishing information that the ruling powers do not want published. Waters said that the New York Times, the Washington Post, and the Manchester Guardian all published the same information as WikiLeaks, but only Assange has been charged.

Journalist Abby Martin Sues the State of Georgia Over Law Requiring Pledge to Israel, a Foreign Country

There are 28 states that require loyalty pledges to Israel in order to do business with the state governments. In addition, Trump passed legislation that effectively criminalized the Boycott Divestments and Sanctions (BDS) movement that aims to put pressure on the Jewish state through economic action.

UK: Police Record 120,000 ‘Non-Crime’ Hate Incidents in Background Check Database that May Stop the Accused from Getting Jobs

Despite police admitting that such incidents are not crimes, the incidents are still logged on a system and can show up during a background check when applying for work, and could prevent the accused from getting jobs; nearly 120,000 'hate incidents' have been recorded.

Britain’s Politically Correct Police Are Humiliated

We in Britain are constantly being reminded about our wonderful freedoms, especially freedom of speech, and by the same token how repressive are Iran, China, and many other countries by comparison. People who make these claims are stupid, ill-informed, or simply lying. Free speech has been under constant attack in Britain since at least the early 1920s, certainly as far as “nationalism” is concerned, and in recent years, attacks on free speech in other areas have increased dramatically as well.

Journalist Abby Martin Sues State of Georgia Over Law Requiring Pledge of Allegiance to Israel

After refusing to sign a pledge of allegiance to the state of Israel, the state of Georgia shut down a media literacy conference featuring journalist and filmmaker Abby Martin at Georgia Southern University. Martin had recently released a documentary critical of the Israeli government called “Gaza Fights for Freedom.” Now she is suing the state, claiming the decision is a violation of the First Amendment.