free speech

Alan Dershowitz Warns Against Political Propaganda Assaults On Civil Liberties!

Trump Phone Call, Julian Assange & Free Speech Trump’s phone call and the UK rejects Assange’s extradition to the US. This is Alan Dershowitz’s video podcast called The Dershow. We discuss politics, law, the constitution and current events. … and disable advertisements! No kidding 🙂 source Nothing should be taken at face value.  The use […]

The Julian Assange Pardon Drive

binoy Kampmark The odds are stacked against Julian Assange, the WikiLeaks publisher who faces the grimmest of prospects come January 4. On that day, the unsympathetic judicial head of District Judge Vanessa Baraitser will reveal her decision on the Old Bailey proceedings that took place between September and October this year. Despite Assange’s team being …