free speech

Shocking Failures of Climate and Covid Science Highlighted by Critical New Report

The recent and concerning collapse of the once revered scientific process in large parts of the climate change and medical community is detailed in a highly critical new paper from the Global Warming Policy Foundation.
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Headteacher is Harassed and Resigns After Speaking Up to Protect Children From Covid Harms in His School

‘Now taking my employer to court. I have a right to lawful free speech in the interest of safeguarding children against harm.’ Mike Fairclough, recent former head of West Rise Junior School in Eastbourne, tells his story: Clarification regarding my position at West Rise Junior School, resignation and future court case for discrimination, harassment and preventing me from making a […]

Free Speech Fears Grow After Springer Nature “Meekly Obeys” Activist Demands For Alimonti Climate Paper Retraction

Free speech is under attack in the politicised world of climate science, says Chris Morrison, as disgust at the recent cancellation of Alimonti et al. by Springer Nature continues to grow.
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The Trans Witch-Hunters that Want to Destroy Graham Linehan But are Cool With Frankie Boyle Joking About Raping and Killing Women

Trans rights activists are hellbent on cancelling heretics like Graham Linehan but happy to ignore jokes about raping and killing women by 'allies' like Frankie Boyle, says Heather Brunskell-Evans.
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It’s Time the West Admitted it has Sacrificed Free Speech in Favour of Banning ‘Insults’

Tim Stanley highlights the chilling case of Finnish MP and former Interior Minister Päivi Räsänen, whose prosecution by the state for her traditional Christian views on sex shows free speech in the West is dead.
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How the Government Weaponizes Surveillance to Silence Its Critics

John & Nisha Whitehead “Once a government is committed to the principle of silencing the voice of opposition, it has only one way to go, and that is down the path of increasingly repressive measures, until it becomes a source of terror to all its citizens and creates a country where everyone lives in fear.” President Harry …