
Media to Reveal “Will of the People”: Let Biden Seize All the Power

[UPDATES PENDING] Now that the mainstream media made voter fraud disappear, next they will reveal that the 2020 election proves it is the “Will of the People” for Biden to seize all the power he pleases. Remember, folks – this is the ‘faith-building’ segment of the rituals of Democracy. Pundits are stressing that mail-in voting […]

The Voting Rights Mirage

American Conservative, October 19, 2020 The Voting Rights Mirage by James Bovard The most dangerous political illusion is that votes limit politicians’ power. Americans have been endlessly hectored in recent months to cast their votes in the presidential election. But trusting ballots to leash either Donald Trump or Joe Biden would be the ultimate triumph […]
The post The Voting Rights Mirage appeared first on James Bovard.

Can Ending ‘Endless Wars’ Save Trump’s Presidency?

Daily Caller / American Renewal Can Ending ‘Endless Wars’ Save Trump’s Presidency? Photo by SugaBom86/Shutterstock; Edits by Grae Stafford/DCNF James Bovard Contributor August 13, 2020 9:09 PM ET Four years ago, Donald Trump electrified campaign audiences by denouncing “Trigger Happy Hillary” Clinton. Trump bragged in 2016 that his advisers knew “how to avoid the endless […]

The Return Of The Nigerian Scammer

If you are reading this, you have probably heard of the 419 scam, also known as the Nigerian scam. To its credit, the Nigerian Government clamped down on these people a few years ago, but there are now crooks operating it and other scams the world over. There is however one particular Nigerian scammer who is based not in Nigeria but London, and although she has been arrested at least twice, nothing seems to deter her, probably because she is seriously wrong in the head.

No-Go Zone: Frauds, Fakes, Freaks & Flu

This is the audio version of the show. If you want to watch the video version go here.
The absurdity surrounding the Coronavirus lockdown and stringent measures continues. Henrik covers some of the recent news. As new information is being revealed and more critical voices speak up, the censorship ramps up. We also cover non-Covid-19 relates stories. Don't miss episode 12 of No-Go Zone.