
Inside the World Bank (1989)

Inside the World Bank What they’re doing with your money is a crime James Bovard | From the April 1989 issue of Reason magazine [excerpted by Reader’s Digest] Share on FacebookShare on TwitterShare on RedditShare by emailPrint friendly versionCopy page URL Last year Congress voted a $14-billion increase in World Bank funding from the United […]
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My First Bash on Presidential Records Act (2004)

Yesterday’s New York Post piece on the FBI raid on Trump’s Mar-a-Lago home discussed why the Presidential Records Act was a sham. I have been hitting this theme for almost 20 years.  Here’s my first piece on the topic – an excerpt from my 2004 book The Bush Betrayal (St. Martin’s Press).   This article was […]
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New York Post: FBI Trump Raid Exposes Washington’s Secrecy Shams

New York Post, August 9, 2022 FBI Trump raid exposes Washington’s secrecy shams By James Bovard FBI agents raided Donald Trump’s Mar-a-Lago home Monday reportedly looking for boxes of classified material that Trump allegedly removed from the White House when his presidency ended in January 2021. House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy said the raid showed […]

Top 10 SCAMS: The World Runs on Concentric Circles of Scams – Jay Dyer

I see scams within scams. Today we will analyze an essential element to understanding how the world really works: the importance of scams. In fact, it’s more accurate to say concentric circles of scams. Scams within scams – ALL IS SUS. Deception is not just a fundamental aspect of warfare, but also geopolitics and social […]

The Thing To Be Terrified Of Is Your Own Government – Dr. Michael Yeadon

Michael Yeadon | Full Interview | Planet Lockdown Interview with Michael Yeadon, former Vice President and Chief Science Officer of Pfizer, where he worked for 16 years. He outlines his position on the pandemic, the vaccine, the issue of variants, bo source This interview with Dr. Michael Yeadon is nearly a year old yet still […]

USA Today: Presidential Records Act is a bipartisan scam to hide White House mischief

USA TODAY, February 20, 2022 The contorted Presidential Records Act is a bipartisan scam to hide White House mischief by James Bovard The closing scene of the 1981 movie “Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark” depicts the newly-discovered Biblical Ark of the Covenant being put in a crate, stamped “top secret,” and then carted down the […]

My C-SPAN Interview and Transcript on Covid Pandemic Security Theater

Here’s the video of my interview this morning on C-SPAN’s Washington Journal on the failure of Covid Pandemic Security Theater. Destroying freedom dismally failed to keep Americans safe. Politicians and bureaucrats need to be held responsible for the wreckage the federal, state, and local govts. inflicted over the past 2 years. Here’s the link – […]

My Two-Bit Political Awakening

My Two-Bit Political Awakening by James Bovard Samuel Johnson may have been wrong when he declared, “There are few ways in which a man can be more innocently employed than in getting money.” But for young kids, collecting coins is a less pernicious pastime than becoming a pyromaniac or Tik-Tok star. My own experience collecting, […]
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