
SedevacAUTISM Refuted: Trailer Park Cults & “Popes” – Jay Dyer

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The idiocy of the spooks, wandering bishops, fronts, shells and frauds in the tiny fringe incel LARPping world of sedevacantism examined. The incel factory that is sedevacantism is a recipe for disaster – in reality they are no different than “conclavists.” Instead of the One, Holy, Catholic Doublewide “Church,” begin your course in these links below to find sanity and healing:

AFFLICTED WITH WESTERNISM: Ukraine continues to drink the Kool-Aid that is destroying the country

The Department of External Relations of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church (Moscow Patriarchate) reported that on April 19, 2018, the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, by Resolution No. 8284, supported the appeal of the President of Ukraine P. O. Poroshenko to His All-Holiness Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew I regarding the “granting of a Tomos of Autocephaly to the Orthodox Church in Ukraine”.
This means that the government of a nation asked for a religious authority to recognize a State Church.

Whistleblower Lt. Col. Ferner on Defrauding Americans with Fake Secret Agents & Fake Agencies!

Newsbud founder and editor Sibel Edmonds is joined by Retired Air Force Lt. Col. Timothy Ferner. They discuss their journeys as whistleblowers and the obstacles they faced, including retaliation they received that ultimately cost them their careers, while standing for truth and integrity. The full one-and-a-half-hour interview is exclusively available at for members. Nonmembers can watch it now, at Newsbud Vimeo on Demand.
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Former Democrat Congresswoman​,​ Corrine Brown​,​ Sentenced to 5 Years in Prison for Fraud

Former US Representative, Corrine Brown, was sentenced to five years in prison for mail, wire and tax fraud involving a sham charity. The bogus charity, One Door For Education, collected donations to give scholarships to poor children but, instead, filled the coffers of Brown and her associates and used for lavish parties and vacations. [...]

The Clinton Foundation Is Used to Fund Grand Scale Fraud Across the World

The Foundation has never properly filed a tax return and is operating illegally. Hillary used Foundation money to take over the Democratic party before she announced her bid for the presidency- and the Clintons used the FBI to get ​information to use against their enemies. Ortell says their business model is: de-fang the regulator, hire a crooked accounting firm, threaten your enemies, and reward your friends. [...]