fraternal order of police

Biden’s HOMETOWN Union Just REJECTED Him!! Fully Endorse TRUMP Instead! Biden IS DONE.

The Fraternal order of Police endorse Trump for reelection 2020.
“The FOP considered the two 2020 presidential candidates’ records and their responses to FOP’s questionnaire. The FOP received responses from both campaigns in mid-July and distributed them verbatim to the more than 355,000 members of the FOP.”
Click to access pr_2020-0904_FOP-endorses-Trump.pdf

Miami Cop Maldonado-Dick Sentenced In Drug Protection Racket (PODCAST)

A City of Miami cop was sentenced for running a protection racket to help the waterfront city’s cocaine couriers.
Maldonado-Dick was pretty lucky to get the plea deal he got, especially since there’s ample video evidence available to secure a conviction, including undeniable evidence that the cop used his service weapon in commission of the crime as you can see below.
Jose Maldonado-Dick had no idea the buyer was an informant and he was being watched by police too.