Frankfurt School

The Occult History of Punk Music – John Adams on JaysAnalysis

Jay Dyer
21st Century Wire
Musician and researcher John Adams of The Afternoon Commute joins me to divulge new details in relation to his ongoing series with researcher Nino on the secret history of punk music. Arising from the psychedelic genre and the 60s counter-culture (so-called) movements, punk became an iconic sub-genre that would eventually have a tremendous impact on “youth culture” through the 70s, 80s, 90s, and into today.

Serial Killers, Punk Music, LSD & MK ULTRA: Nino with Jay Dyer (Half)

This is the first half of a free talk which can be obtained by subscribing to JaysAnalysis at the PayPal links below. Co-researcher with John Adams on the history of the counter-culture 60s and later punk scene, Nino joins me to discuss the strange connections of so many prominent punkers with the establishment. William S. Burroughs, Tavistock & Tim Leary and the CIA-LSD crew all coalesce to tell a strange tale of serial killers, MK ULTRA, Crowleyanism, cultural cannibal marxism and the transgender agenda – and much more!

Occult Wikileaks & the Atlanticist “Illuminati”: Jay Dyer on Tragedy & Hope w/Tim Kelly

Dr. Carroll Quigley was the mentor for Bill Clinton and thus provides a crucial window into the levers of power behind the Clinton machine and the entire corrupt establishment, throughout the Cold War. This includes the cuckservative GOP, as well as world socialism/communism – all run by the western banking elites, and as exposed in the wikileaks emails blatantly – including the fraud of “democratic voting.”  This was recorded several days ago with Tim Kelly on his podcast, Our Interesting Times.

My summary of Dr. Ricardo Duchesne’s second hour on Red Ice Radio, April 18, 2014

Subsequent to my brief summary of the first hour of Dr. Ricardo Duchesne’s April 18, 2014 Red Ice Radio appearance, here is a full summary of his second hour appearance, available to members only: - What about exploration of North and South Pole, and world’s tallest mountains by Europeans without violence? Critics of Western civilization […]