Franke Wilmer

Montana Democrats Nominated Rob Quist For Congress Today-- Can He Win In May?

Rob QuistI hope you remember Blue America's old friend from Montana, Franke Wilmer, a professor of political science at Montana State University, who served in the state House, including as Speaker Pro Tem, and brought us as close as the country's ever gotten to electing someone like Barbara Ehrenreich to Congress.

An Opportunity In Montana-- A Chance To Swap Out John Walsh For Progressive Icon Franke Wilmer?

UPDATE: John Walsh officially dropped out of the race this morning.When the DSCC under Schumer tried to insert a Beltway-oriented corporate DLC hack, John Morrison as the Democratic candidate against floundering Republican incumbent Conrad Burns in 2006, Montana Democrats rose up and slapped Schumer down by nominating insurgent populist John Tester (now Senator John Tester).

People Of Franke Wilmer's Character Are More Needed In Congress Than Ever... But Steve Israel Has Another Calculus He Uses

Franke Wilmer is an author, a professor of International Law and International Relations at Montana State University and a Democrat representing Bozeman in the Montana House of Representatives. She also served as Governor Brian Schweitzer's Chairwoman of the Montana Human Rights Commission. If you don't live in Montana, you still may remember Franke as the progressive candidate running for the at-large Montana House seat in 2012.