Frank Pallone

Climate Change Is Too Important For A Monster Like Trump-- Or A Corrupt Hack Like Pallone

Many people say James Inhofe should be sentenced to deathFriday, we saw how a corrupt Jersey political hack, Frank Pallone-- who, as ranking member of the House Energy and Commerce Committee and has taken $135,689 in legalized bribes from Big Oil and Gas-- got into a turf war with Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez who is trying to revitalize a great Pelosi idea th

Alexandria Ocasio Has A Mission For America And For Humanity-- Frank Pallone Is Just Some Hack Politician Who Needs To Get Out Of The Way

Alexandria is fierce; Pallone... kind of lightI remember the evening of June 26 when Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez came charging out of the vote-counting gate in the lead and never lost the it once. It wasn't even like the pundits and pollsters, the politicians in DC and NYC and the media elite were proven wrong.

Saving The Planet From Tawdry Profiteers-- Or Just More Politics As Usual?

I would like to see environmental safety true believers like Paul Clements (D-MI) and Marianne Willimson (I-CA) take on Fred Upton and the rest of the self-satisfied elites in Washington who haven't gotten the urgency of Climate Change into their skulls yet-- and probably never will.I got very nervous this week after seeing 4 fundraising requests from an outfit I had never heard of, Environmental Majority.

It Takes A Congress Of Morons To Hold Us Back

-by NoahSometimes satirists have a very hard time satirizing Congress. Case in point: the current Congressional hearings about glitches in the allegedly satanic, marxist, communist, Muslim jihad-influenced Affordable Care Act; aka, dare we say it out loud, Obamacare.How does one satirize a bunch of morons in suits who have but one discernable talent-- satirizing themselves, whether intentionally or not, better than anyone else could ever hope to?

New Jersey Has A Senate Front-Runner Nearly As Sickening As It's Gubernatorial Front-Runner

You never know what's going to actually happen in a low turn out, late summer primary special election. Who will even show up at the polls? Polling shows a big preference among New Jersey Democrats for the much-hyped Newark Mayor, Cory Booker. Last week Monmouth University released a poll that confirms what all the other polls show-- Booker leads his opponents.

Is There Any Way To Keep Wall Street Shill Cory Booker Out Of The New Jersey Senate Seat?

2 NJ pols who play on the same team-- the Wall Street teamThere are two excellent candidates running for what was Frank Lautenberg's New Jersey Senate seat: progressive congressman Frank Pallone and progressive congressman Rush Holt. Holt's career-long Progressive crucial vote score is the best of any New Jersey congressman: 91.88. For 2013 his score is 100, a distinction shared by only 15 Members.