Frank Bruni

Did Lindsey Graham's Shameless Audition And His Hissy Fits Make You Think "Alpha Male?"

Yesterday we appended most of John Pavlovitz's short essay, "Confessions of a Proud Beta Male," to Digby's Frat-Boy McDrunkFace post. I found it odd that Pavlovitz included Graham-- a bit of a flamer-- of all people, as an example of "an alpha-male." Yesterday in the NY Times, Frank Bruni featured him as the star of the saddest story in Washington.

Good Candidates/Bad Candidates... It's Not Like Throwing Darts At A Wall Of Candidates' Photos

Another cue that someone's likely to be goodI graduated college and went to live overseas-- actually I just went for a summer vacation but stayed for almost 7 years-- traveling and living in various places in Europe, Africa and Asia.Once Nixon was removed I came home and eventually washed up in San Francisco and had to get a job in the real world, something I had never experienced. Previously I had worked as a smuggler and then in a meditation center.

High Nunes

Last month not even Devin Nunes' own constituents knew who they hell he was. Today he's a household name-- in a bad way. He's in a league with Darrell Issa, Steve King, Debbie Wasserman Schultz, Louie Gohmert... congressmembers who people have heard of... and detest. Or-- Draco Malfoy and Voldemort, Captain Barbossa, Hans Landa, the Green Goblin, Loki, Ras al Ghul, Doctor Octopus, Saruman, Negan and The Joker.

Women Candidates

I love all our Blue America candidates. Some, however, are a little further along in their evolution towards being... the next Elizabeth Warren or the next Alan Grayson or the next Donna Edwards. After all, that is what we're looking for in candidates. Not John, not Digby, not Jacquie and not yours truly is looking for a candidate we can-- or have to-- tell what to do. I've had hot-under-the-collar disagreements with Donna, with Ted Lieu, with Joe Sestak...