Francois Hollande

Pour Macron et Valeurs Actuelles, la Guyane est une île …

Ce jeudi 26 octobre 2017, Emmanuel Macron est en voyage en Guyane.  Six mois après les mouvements sociaux survenus dans le département d’outre-mer en pleine campagne présidentielle, le dauphin de François Hollande va devoir assumer les promesses sans garantie de son prédécesseur, formulées dans le « pacte d’avenir » signé par Ségolène Royal le 17 mar

President Emmanuel Macron: Reversing Five Decades of Working-Class Power

Whatever has been written about President Emmanuel Macron by the yellow or the respectable press has been mere trivia or total falsehood.
Media lies have a purpose that goes beyond Macron’s election. Throughout Europe and North America, bankers and manufacturers, NATO, militarists and EU oligarchs, media moguls and verbal assassins, academics and journalists, all characterized the election victory of Macron as a ‘defeat of fascism’ and the ‘triumph of the French people’.
Macron and ‘What People’?

Et Voilà – President Emmanuel Macron

21st Century Wire says…
Even with votes still being counted and the country under a ‘state of emergency’, Emmanuel Macron is France’s newest President.
At 39, Macron is the nations youngest President and faces huge challenges to heal a fractured and deeply divided country.
Only time will now tell if the pro European, ex Rothschild and self proclaimed ‘independent centrist’ will succeed in addressing France’s most critical issues at hand.

Deceit, Betrayal and the Left: The ‘Traitor of the Year Award’

By James Petras :: 04.30.2017 Introduction While the Right faithfully supports the policies and interests of its ruling class supporters, the Left has systematically betrayed their political platform promises and deceived its working class, salaried employees, small business and regional supporters. Historic reversals have happened in rapid succession by Leftist leaders, including greater oligarch control […]