Franco Mulakkal

The Acquittal Of Kerala Bishop Is Best Example Of A Bad Judgement

It is good that an official appeal is to be filed against the judgement of the Additional Sessions Judge in Kerala exonerating Bishop Franco of all charges of multiple rape of a nun who was his subordinate. Hopefully, the appeal will lead to a restoration of justice and dignity to not only the complainant in this case, but also to[Read More...]

While acquitting Franco Mulakkal, trial court puts victim on trial

A reading of the elaborate 289-page judgment delivered by additional sessions judge, Kottayam, G Gopakumar, acquitting rape accused Franco Mulakkal, former Bishop of Jalandhar diocese, makes it seem that time has stood still since the infamous Mathura judgment in 1978 (Tukaram And Anr vs State Of Maharashtra, AIR 1979 SC 185), which triggered the women’s movement in India. In that[Read More...]

Rape of a Nun: Bishop Franco Mulakkal Arrested

In a historic development in Catholic Church in India, Jalandhar Bishop Franco Mulakkal has been arrested allegedly for raping a nun. He was arrested after a three day long drilling by Kerala police in Kochi. In an unprecedented protest nuns came out on the street demanding the arrest of the Bishop. The arrest comes after a two week long protest[Read More...]

Historic Strike By Catholic Nuns In Kerala, Against A Rape Accused Bishop

Beset with allegation of sexual abuse of minors by its clergy from around the world, Catholic Church is facing an unprecedented protest in Kerala, India. A group of nuns are on a week long protest in Kochi demanding justice for a fellow nun who was raped by the Jalandhar Bishop Franco Mulakkal. It’s the first time in the history of[Read More...]