Francis Galton

WATCH: Eugenics and the Awakening of Sleeping Monsters

In this presentation delivered to the Day 6 proceedings of the Coronavirus Grand Jury hearing organized by Dr. Reiner Fullmich and his team of international lawyers, Canadian Patriot Review Editor-in-Chief Matthew Ehret was asked to deliver remarks elucidating the origins of the quasi-science of eugenics, and its role in mis-shaping the 20th century. This exercise …

Eugenics, The Fourth Industrial Revolution and the Clash of Two Systems

Matthew Ehret Matt Ehret explains what caused the rise of the perversion of science known as “eugenics” as a new scientific religion in the 19th century. Part Two of a three-part series, you can read Part One here. Today’s world is gripped between two possible futures: on the one hand, a multipolar alliance in defense of sovereign …

No your lordship, everybody opposing Aadhar is not following an“NGO line”: Baidik Bhattacharya

Guest post by BAIDIK BHATTACHARYA We live in strange times. A judge in the country’s Supreme Court believes anyone challenging the government’s decision to impose Aadhar-based surveillance regime is following an “NGO line.” Another judge wonders in the court whether “one nation one identity” is not the necessary path forward.