Fox Fake News

The First Lawsuit Against Fox For Misleading The Public On COVID-19 Has Been Filed In Seattle

Early into the pandemic-- with Trump endangering peoples' lives daily with his lies and misinformation-- I asked a few of the legal scholars I know if he could be sued by the the families of people who followed his false information and died. The answer was the same from each: nope. Fox News, on the other hand, is another story.There has been a great deal of chatter online about class action law suits against Fox for broadcasting a steady stream of coronavirus misinformation-- and not all of it from Trump.

Not Yummy-- Republican Stew

Recall when Lev and Igor were caught laundering Russian money into the Trump campaign and the campaign of dozens of Republicans in Congress? Yesterday, Christian Berthelson reported that Lev-- one of the Giuliani criminal associates was handed a million bucks from Putin in September "a month before he was charged with conspiring to funnel foreign money into U.S. political campaigns.

Midnight Meme Of The Day!

by NoahFOX News: Caught lying in real time. Did they really think it wasn't already obvious (to normal people) that they lie 24 hours a day? Trump is their inspiration and "dear leader" after all! His bigly steaming pile o' lies is a lot to live up to, but, what else should we expect? In order to be successful, a Manchurian President needs a Manchurian Television network, and vice versa.

Why It's A Complete Waste Of Money For Democrats To Advertise On Fox News

I started my university career studying history, a topic that fascinated me for my whole life. But maybe I'm wrong about Trump, who I'm absolutely certain in the very worst president-- if he even is a legitimate president-- in U.S. history. Yes, he's worse than Nixon or George W. Bush or Reagan and worse than Warren G.

I Wonder If Anyone Noticed... Jeanine Pirro's Weekly Fox Hate Rally Didn't Air Last Night

I would never have known, but this morning Variety reported that Fox News replaced Justice With Judge Jeanine with a repeat episode of its documentary series Scandalous, just days after the network said it condemned provocative and bigoted remarks their hate talk psychopath made about Congresswoman Ihan Omar (D-MN)

If Fox Business News Has A License, It Should Be Revoked

Actually Fox should lose its ability to use the public airwaves entirely, unless it forces its cable division to stop creating and disseminating fake news that has become a danger to American social cohesiveness. Fox News does this all day, everyday, but Lou Dobb’s racist little Trump-pleaser on Thursday is a good example of what they’re up to. Remember Lou Dobbs?

Midnight Meme Of The Day!

by NoahBody language! Just look at this creep. Ready to lunge, tiny paws forward, ready to grab. "When you're a star, they let you do it." You know that's exactly what Senor Trumpanzee was thinking as he was being interviewed by Ainsley "We defeated communist Japan" Earhardt of FOX & Fiends at the White House last week. Earhardt is a protege of Sean Insanity. He saw something in her.

Midnight Meme Of The Day!

by NoahSo how has the American branch of Pravda reacted to Tuesday's news about Michael Cohen and Paul Manafort? Really, do you have to ask? Like all of Trump's Republican co-conspirators, FOX "News" is doing their usual whistling past the graveyard approach to bad news on the Trump front. In the wake of the news, it was Cover-up Central. It was all "Nothing to see here folks.