Fourth Reich

REICH WATCH, E2; Reich Central Report, Exposing The Attempted Coup Of Ukraine By EU & US

December 12, 2013 (AE) - Highlighting some of the key events in ‘Reich Central’ (EU) from November 11 to December 11, 2013… ending with details of the attempted coup of Ukraine by the fascist forces of ‘Reich Central’ (EU) and ‘Reich West’ (US) simply because the Ukrainian government made the decision not to sign an EU trade agreement at this time.*

REICH WATCH; JFK Assassination 50th, The Fascist Coup & Oswald’s Nazi Friends, PROMO

November 19, 2013 (AE)
“The truth will be revealed… November 22nd, 12:30PM, Dallas time.”
(10:30AM PST, 12:30PM CST, 1:30PM EST)
Episode# 1 goes live here, 50 years later, to the minute… also to be broadcast on Liberty Movement Radio (LMR):
Thank you for your interest.
Joel [Redacted]