Fort Carson

Mattis Admits More Than 3,000 US Troops Will Be on ‘Combat Duty’ in Afghanistan

Secretary of Defense James Mattis says Afghan forces will lead in combat operations.

(ANTIWAR.COM) — Speaking to the Senate Armed Services Committee, Secretary of Defense James Mattis offered new details on the ongoing US escalation of the war in Afghanistan, revealing that more than 3,000 troops are being deployed into the country for “combat duty.”

Another 6,000 US Ground Troops Set for Deployment to Afghanistan

Officials say 6,000 more US troops are likely set for deployment to Afghanistan in early 2018.

(ANTIWAR.COM) —  Adding on to the 3,500 troop escalation already announced for the Afghan War, officials are now reporting that another 6,000-plus ground troops from Fort Carson are also slated for a future deployment to the country.