forgotten history

Newest Info Reveals Very Good News About Coronavirus Immunity- The Marvelous Immune System

Ah, yes, our immune system. Always poo pooed by the pharmaceutical profiteers. Of course it's soooo inconvenient  and unprofitable for them that we naturally have this system, that protects us from so much disease. Particularly viruses and bacteria. Without which there would be no life on this planet. Just fact. No fear porn.

Julie Payette: Canada's Toxic Governor General

 Julie Payette is a questionable individual. With a sordid past. Involved in a motor vehicle accident, which resulted in the death of an individual. I suspect Ms Payette was intoxicated. Also, a domestic abuser. Had a man conducted himself in the manner Ms Payette did, HE would not have been appointed.  But, SHE was. Double Standards...

"Topple the Statues, But Ignore the Modern Day Oppressors? "

Great oped:Feels like a good follow up to the earlier post:

It is evident that Western political elites are far better at apologizing for the ‘bad old days’ than inspiring the public about their nation’s past – or even present.