Foreign Policy with Robert Inlakesh

Israel Uses Its Civilians As Human Shields During Its Attack On Gaza

Israel’s latest assault on the besieged Gaza Strip resulted in the murder of 33 Palestinians, a third of them women and children, in a “targeted assassination” campaign, again, with a majority of those killed being civilians. Israeli Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, attempted to score a domestic political victory, however, the plot didn’t quite go to Read More...

Israel Launches A New War On Gaza, Kills Overwhelmingly Civilians, But Why Now?

At around 2:00 AM, Tuesday Morning, unprovoked Israeli airstrikes rained down on residential buildings throughout the besieged Gaza Strip. Israel had decided to launch an assassination campaign against leaders in the Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ) movement, murdering three of them along with their families whilst they slept in their beds at night. Despite the majority Read More...

Syria Readmitted To The Arab League, Is This The End Of The War?

After over a decade of separation, the Syrian Arab Republic was readmitted to the Arab League this Sunday, in a move that has dealt a blow to Washington’s Middle East agenda, exciting some and causing outrage amongst others. The Syrian war that began in 2011 still hasn’t officially ended, so what impact will this normalization Read More...

Israel Kills Palestinian West Bank Leader And Attacks Gaza After Rocket Fire

Israeli military prison authorities allowed for a Palestinian political spokesperson, Khader Adnan, to die in his prison cell after entering day 87 of a hunger strike this Tuesday morning. The political prisoner’s death was dubbed an assassination by the Palestinian Prisoners Society organization and the Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ) movement. Israel claims no wrong doing, Read More...

The US Is Heavily Involved In Sudan’s Renewed Turmoil, Western Media Omits This

The armed clashes in Sudan, that began last week, are being presented by Western corporate media as a shock from a country that was heading towards democracy. These attempts to absolve the West of any accountability for the militarized confrontation that could spark civil war, and to even blame Russia, are leaving out the key Read More...

Deadliest Israeli Attack Against Syria In Years – A Failed Assassination Attempt

At least five Syrians were killed in a series of unprovoked Israeli airstrikes against Damascus, Syria, at a time when rescue teams are still digging victims of the recent Syria-Turkey earthquake out of the rubble. Despite this being such a major attack on a defenseless country, suffering the aftermath of a natural disaster, no major Read More...

The US Wants To Train A Proxy Force To Fight Palestinians — CIA Intervenes Again

The US secretary of state, Antony Blinken, requested that the Ramallah-based Palestinian Authority (PA) accept Washington’s proposal to form a special Palestinian task force, trained by the US, that would hunt down Palestinian resistance fighters in the West Bank. The proposal follows a long history of anti-democratic intervention by the US government into Palestinian affairs Read More...

Syria-Turkey Earthquake Death Toll Could Top 20,000 As US Sanctions Make Life A Living Hell

A devastating 7.8 magnitude earthquake shook both Turkey and Syria this Monday, resulting in unprecedented damage which may take weeks to bring under control, by which point the World Health Organisation (WHO) claims as many as 20,000 people could be recorded as killed by the quake. Despite the international shock over the impact of the Read More...

Israel Murders 5 Palestinians In Jericho And MSM Ignores Frequent Massacres

Israeli occupation forces violently raided the Aqbat Jabr refugee camp, located near Ariha (Jericho) city in the occupied West Bank, killing five Palestinians and injuring tens of others. The raid came after the Jericho area was besieged for eight days and brings the number of Palestinians killed by Israeli fire to 42 so far this Read More...

Israel Illegally Attacks Iran And Iraq With Drone Strikes

At least three separate aerial bombardments in Iran and Syria/Iraq were attributed to Israel between Sunday and Monday, the most notable being a drone attack against targets in the Iranian city of Isfahan on Sunday morning. The attacks have now sparked fear of a retaliation by Tehran, causing Israel to position its air defenses in Read More...