foreign interference in U.S. elections

Midnight Meme Of The Day!

by NoahFor tonight's "Midnight Meme," I present a cartoon depiction of the Founding Fathers' worst nightmare: A president beholden to the worst foreign leaders the world can muster.Once again, Trump willfully tops Nixon in vile treachery by enlisting the aid of fellow psychopaths ("the best people") for his version of the Committee To Re-Elect The President); those dictators from outside the country, the kind of people whose company, approval, and help he

Republicans Double Down On Stealing Elections-- Normalizing Foreign Interference And Disenfranchising College Students

Yesterday, after Matt Gaetz had finished eating his pizza pies and wrapped up the GOP temper tantrum du jour, the House voted on H.R. 4617, the SHIELD Act (Stopping Harmful Interference in Elections for a Lasting Democracy) to protect American elections from foreign interference.