foreign affairs

Cuba Could be on the Brink of a Revolutionary COVID Vaccine, But US Sanctions Are Slowing It Down

Cuba is already a medical powerhouse, and if it can successfully navigate the minefield of US sanctions, it could supply much of Latin America with a COVID vaccine.
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Biden Signals a Desire To End the Yemen War. Here’s Why Yemenis Aren’t Buying It

If Biden is serious about reaching a diplomatic end to the war, he has a real chance to add ending one of the twenty-first century’s most violent conflicts to his presidential legacy, but the chance of the happening may be slim reports Ahmed Abdulkareem.
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Mexico to Redraw Drug War Relationship with the US After Mexican General’s Arrest

The United States gave Mexico no warning about the imminent arrest of one of its top generals following Attorney General Bill Barr's failure to provide the Mexican government information on American drug cartels.
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Media Silence Marks Ongoing OPCW Cover-Up of Syria Chemical Weapons Scandal

“Clearly the U.S. and its allies do not want transparency and open debate about the OPCW Douma investigation, and one can only conclude that this is the case because they know full well that their claims cannot be substantiated. Smears and censorship are the only tactics they have left.” - Propaganda Expert Piers Robinson

The Military-Industrial Complex, Israeli-Style. New Docuseries Touts Virtues of “Iron Dome”

A new documentary series produced in Israel tells the story of the Iron Dome missile system, but as Kathryn Shihadah reports, it leaves out crucial details about how the weapon is used and who funded it.
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Pompeo’s Tweet About Tanzania Election Irregularities Could Have Easily Been About the US

Secretary of State Mike Pompeo signaled his displeasure at the results of the democratic elections in the East African nation of Tanzania in a tweet on Monday as rumblings of Pan-Africanism begin to stir again.
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Bolivia’s Hardline Christian Govt Charged with Massacring Protesters as Morales Returns from Exile

In her last days in office, US-backed strongwoman Jeanine Añez is attempting to push through judicial reforms that could help her in the coming months should she face trial for her crimes.
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This is Why Israel’s Mass Protest Movement Will Never Lead to Change

Though seldom reported in the US, thousands are taking to the streets every week in Israel demanding that Netanyahu step down, but carefully crafted coalition agreements and the political reality in the country promise to keep him in the PM’s seat for the foreseeable future.
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