forced sterilization

National Hygiene and “Inferior Offspring”: Japan’s Eugenics Victims Demand Justice

TOKYO – The Japanese government is promising to pursue a nationwide study of a nearly 50-year policy of forced sterilizations, vasectomies and abortions that sought to eliminate disabled people from society by preventing the birth of “inferior offspring.”
Known as the Eugenic Protection Law, the inhumane policy was introduced in 1948 under U.S. military occupation before coming to an end in 1996. It drew inspiration from similar legislation in Nazi Germany that hoped to manage the country’s “racial hygiene” through population quality control measures.

Permanent Peoples Tribunal Verdict: Sri Lanka Commits Genocide against Tamils

The fact that a month ago the Permanent People’s Tribunal found Sri Lanka guilty of committing genocide against the Tamil people and so few non-Tamil media has informed us of such is unjust oversight at best. I didn’t find out about this important decision until today (January 4). The western media, including left-wing web sights, has been silent or ignorant of this.
The Rome-based Permanent People’s Tribunal (PPT) is an outgrowth of the original war crimes tribunal created during the war against Southeast Asia by Bertrand Russell and Jean Paul Sartre.