
Monsanto Emails Raise More Questions About Collusion and Roundup Safety

On August 2, 2017, documents released as part of a lawsuit against Monsanto raised more questions over whether or not the mammoth biotech company suppressed information about the potentially carcinogenic nature of its Roundup weedkiller and its primary ingredient, glyphosate. [1]
Glyphosate is one of the most widely-used weedkillers in the world and is available for both agricultural and home use.

Friends, “fake news”, and censorship pays off big. Facebook’s Mark Zuckerberg’s net worth jumps $5 billion in two weeks

Facebook has been coming under fire for promoting “fake news”.
The huge social network was pressured by the neo-liberal left deep state to censor news that harms the Soros “Open Society” globalist agenda, pushed heavily under the Barack Obama presidency.
Facebook folded to the neo-liberal agenda like origami, and decided to crack down on “fake news”.

« Merci Patron ! » : pieds nickelés de l’oligarchie, piédestal et talon d’Achille…

Programmé en région parisienne dans trois salles il y a une semaine, quatre lors de sa sortie officielle mercredi, et dans huit cinémas, déjà, ce week-end, « Merci Patron ! », le premier film de François Ruffin, pourrait être la surprise cinématographique de l’année.
Voir sa programmation nationale ici.

Fake report on ‘Russian soldier deaths’ in Ukraine sets media on fire

RT | August 27, 2015 A Forbes report on alleged Russian army casualties in Ukraine citing a dodgy Russian website has sparked a media and Twitter storm. Some said Russia had “finally slipped” with the leak on its troops in Ukraine; others were baffled by the “fake publication.” A Forbes contributor, Paul Roderick Gregory, published […]