food stamps

N.Y. Post: Anti-work, pro-welfare Democrats are in a food-stamp fury over attempts to cut costs

New York Post, April 20, 2023 Anti-work, pro-welfare Democrats are in a food-stamp fury over attempts to cut costs By James Bovard “Cutting SNAP will lead to homelessness, incarceration and death for 38 million Americans,” Rep. Jamaal Bowman (D-Bronx/Yonkers) howled Monday. Bowman is enraged by a House Republican proposal to encourage some food-stamp recipients to […]

The Federal Dietary Wrecking Ball

The Federal Dietary Wrecking Ball by James Bovard Politicians are hellbent on intruding further into Americans’ stomachs. In September, President Biden hosted a White House Summit on Hunger, Nutrition, and Health. A vast array of activists gathered, waiting for Biden to mobilize Washington to open the floodgates to far more food handouts. But their fond […]
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New York Post: Biden’s Food Handout Binge Will Defeat Anti-Obesity Effort

New York Post, September 29, 2022 Biden’s food-program funding binge will ensure anti-obesity programs fail By James Bovard “Jackie, are you here? Where’s Jackie? I thought she was going to be here,” President Joe Biden pleaded Wednesday from the podium as he launched the White House Summit on Hunger, Nutrition and Health. He was looking […]

New York Post: Biden’s Hunger Hubbub Ignores Federal Obesity Fiasco

New York Post, September 23, 2022 Biden’s hunger hubbub ignores the federal obesity fiasco By  James Bovard   President Joe Biden hosts a White House Conference on Hunger, Nutrition and Health next Thursday. He promises to “take bold steps to end hunger,” and his summit will likely unleash a torrent of demands for new federal […]

Covid and Corrupt Federal Statistics

American Institute for Economic Research, December 28, 2021 Covid and Corrupt Federal Statistics James Bovard Federal agencies don’t count what politicians don’t want to know. President Biden and other Democrats continuously invoke “science and data” to sanctify all their Covid-19 mandates and policies, but the same shenanigans and willful omissions have characterized Covid data. During […]

Most Religions And Many Governments Feed The Poor-- But Not All... And Millions Of Elderly Americans Are Literally Starving

In my long life, I've seen starving people in India and in Afghanistan... but not too many other places come to mind. Except America. In the richest country in the history of earth there are people-- primarily very old people-- who go without food. It's not just Trump's fault. It's part of standard conservative dogma. It's not that Jesus taught but it's the the way it's supposed to be according to conservatives, including conservative religionists.

Trump Wants to Replace Food Stamps With Food Boxes to Save Money

(COMMONDREAMS) — Amid the outcry over President Donald Trump’s proposed 2019 budget—which also calls for massive spending cuts for education, healthcare, and foreign aid—policy experts and anti-hunger groups zeroed in on Tuesday on the administration’s plan to replace food stamps with boxes that would contain foods pre-selected by the Agriculture Department. Mick Mulvaney, director of the Office of Management […]

With Tax Bill Looming, GOP Takes Aim At Anti-Poverty Programs

While tax experts continue to exclaim with horror as they sift through the “legislative monstrosity” Republicans rammed through the Senate last week, Sens. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) and Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) on Wednesday hosted a Facebook live event aimed at detailing the next steps in the fight against both the GOP’s tax plan and the party’s broader economic agenda.