
National Standard Levels of Fluoride Still Cause Nervous System Damage to Children

For many countries, the allowable level of fluoride in drinking water is 1.5mg/l. This is an arbitrary number that has never been proven to be safe. In fact, even trace amounts of fluoride have been shown to be ‘a functional liability to the nervous system.’
The CDC states that the “EPA’s enforceable standard for fluoride in public water supplies is 4.0 milligrams per liter,” but this far exceeds any safe amount of fluoride that we should be drinking.

New Study by Leading Authority on Public Health: Fluoridating the Water “Does Not Reduce Cavities”

By Matt Agorist | The Free Thought Project | July 1, 2015 Fluoridation, Americans are told, is necessary for the prevention of tooth decay. We must drink it and we must give our children fluoridated water in order for everyone to have a healthy smile — or so we have been advised for the last […]

4 Awesome Tools for a Whole-Body Fluoride Detox

Fluoride is undoubtedly one of the hardest toxins to avoid completely as it appears in both drinking water and countless food items. Fluoride is also present in popular prescription drugs i.e. Prozac, among other places such as swimming pools and hot tubs. So what is one to do? You can certainly take measures to avoid fluoride exposure, but that isn’t all; try utilizing one of the 4 fluoride-detox solutions below.

New Evidence Links Fluoride to Increasing Cases of ADHD

The evidence from a new scientific research study shows that children who live in water districts where the water supply is systematically fluoridated suffer with ADHD at a significantly higher rate.

“A multivariate regression analysis showed that after socioeconomic status was controlled each 1 percent increase in artificial fluoridation prevalence in 1992 was associated with approximately 67,000 to 131,000 additional ADHD diagnoses from 2003 to 2011.” [1]

Is Your Tea Loaded with Toxic Fluoride?

An increasing percentage of the population has been getting smart about the dangers of drinking cola and other kinds of soda pop, and they’re abandoning it in droves. So as an alternative to soda, individuals are choosing boxed and bottled tea as a primary substitute beverage. This is no surprise because tea has a list of health benefits that can’t be ignored. But unless you know which teas to choose, you may be simply trading evils and consuming toxic fluoride.