
World Leaders Meet to Finally Address Antibiotic Resistance Crisis

On September 21, the United Nations (UN) General Assembly passed a declaration aimed at slowing the spread of antibiotic-resistant superbugs, calling it “historical” and “a turning point.”
The World Health Organization’s (WHO) Dr. Keiji Fukada said:

“I think the declaration will have very strong implications. What it will convey is that there’s recognition that we have a big problem and there’s a commitment to do something about it.”

Which Bugs Are Hitching a Ride on This Subway?

Source: Boston.com
The subway is famous for many things, many of them unpleasant. The New York City subway, for example, is notorious for its disgusting rat population.
If you’ve ever ridden the NYC subway, you know you can’t stand on a subway platform without seeing at least one rat run by. Some of those suckers are as big as a purse or a carry-on bag. Maybe you remember Pizza Rat, the infamous rodent seen dragging a huge slice of pizza down the NYC subway stairs.

Researchers: Acetaminophen (Tylenol) Will Not Help with the Flu

If you’re one of the unfortunate people to be sidelined by the flu this year, you’re better off reaching for one of many natural treatments. Researchers in New Zealand have warned that acetaminophen, or Tylenol (called paracetamol in the U.K. and abroad), isn’t very good as soothing flu symptoms.
Acetaminophen is an ingredient in numerous cold and flu medications, but a new study found shows that it neither reduces fever nor decreases pain in flu sufferers.

22,000 Nurses Refuse *Mandatory* Vaccinations

If you are a nurse in the US and refuse the flu vaccine (one the CDC has even admitted doesn’t always work, largely due to fast mutations and too slow of production) then you have to wear a face mask while on duty. Despite the fact that multiple studies have also shown that flu vaccinations are ineffective and do not offer any extra protection for hospital patients, hospitals are forcing the issue on some of their most prized employees.

Triclosan a Hazardous Antibacterial Agent, Works ‘No Better than Regular Soap’

Cold weather will soon be here, kids are bringing home colds from school, and flu season is right around the corner – so parents are beginning to focus even more on antibacterial soaps and hand sanitizers. But scientists in Korea have found that antibacterial soaps are a waste of money and don’t work any better than regular soaps. What’s more, the use of antibacterial soaps and hand sanitizers is contributing to the development of bacterial superbugs.
Not only that, but many antibacterial soaps are bad for you, too.

Medicine in Trouble: The Death of Informed Consent

A monumental ethical issue is hovering over the entire medical establishment in the United States that threatens its integrity and trust. The human element is being removed from the equation, replaced by computers to give us our options, and legislation to remove our choice in medical care. Somewhere in the shuffle, the individual’s informed consent was broken down, lost in the paperwork, and made irrelevant.

5-Year-Old Dies from Flu After Getting a Flu Shot – An Isolated Case?

In a recent unfortunate event, a 5-year-old girl died from in a hospital from the influenza virus – even after receiving the flu vaccination. Of course nothing is a guarantee.
It all started when the young girl, named Kiera Driscoll, came down with a fever while playing on a Sunday morning. She was given children’s ibuprofen, her farther, Pathrick Driscoll, said made her feel better. But the relief didn’t last long.