
CDC Admits They ‘Suspend Data Collection For 2020-21 Flu season’ & Danish Mask Study Ignored

Welcome to The Daily Wrap Up, a concise show dedicated to bringing you the most relevant independent news, as we see it, from the last 24 hours (10/27/20). As always, take the information discussed in the video below and research it for yourself, and come to your own conclusions. Anyone telling you what the truth Read More...

Ep96 Viral Hysteria Wreaking Havoc – versus Implementing Real Fixes? WHY?

Short podcast with Ally Houston from Paleo Canteen. We discuss the impending annihilation of the hospitality sector, totally unjustified and wrong. Then we talk about what would actually HELP with this viral issue. Ally’s Paleo Canteen Low Carb On A Budget Cookbook  UK & Europe – bit.ly/ordercookbook Rest of world – Amazon Website – paleocanteen.co.uk  Twitter – twitter.com/paleocanteen NOTE: … Ep96 Viral Hysteria Wreaking Havoc – versus Implementing Real Fixes? WHY?

Viral Issue Crucial Update Sept 8th: the Science, Logic and Data Explained!

Short video on the latest data around mortality risk realities, seasonality, the Sweden Question, Europe vs USA – and the evidence For/Against various suppression measures. In all cases we review the official published data and studies from the past weeks – only official government data included – no controversial sources. Although no fringe material here … Viral Issue Crucial Update Sept 8th: the Science, Logic and Data Explained! Read More »

WATCH: The Jab – How the WHO Faked a Pandemic to Sell Vaccines

This brilliant short video from the Children’s Health Defense concisely summarises the corrupt tragedy of the H1N1 vaccine, and how that situation should serve as a warning to the whole world today. A brief summary: Governments all over the world sign “sleeping contracts” with pharmaceutical firms to buy flu vaccines in the event of a …